
A tad bitter?

If you’re in love then you are the lucky one

because most of us are bitter over someone.

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve listened to this song today**. For some reason whenever I’m busy with work, I somehow get lost in music that I’ve never heard before. More often than not, the one that stands out means something a little more than just a background track.

Today** it was this gem by Daughter.

I never think you can understand or heal a broken heart, but somehow you manage to find a way to put all those pieces back together in your own way. People don’t understand. But it’s not for them to understand. It’s for you to find a way to express those newly placed pieces. You still have all those memories, photos and little reminders, because for some reason you let that person into a part of you that you never let anyone else venture. No matter how a relationship ends, there’s always something good out of it. . . for the last however long, you got to feel the thrill of being in love, not many things can come close to give you a better adventure.

So when you think the best way to move on is to remove the person from your life, in my experience, its impossible. Easy said, difficult to implement and impossible to maintain. “Either you’re in love, or a little bitter over someone.”

The greatest adventure is one of the heart, so no matter how reckless you choose to be, the little pieces when placed back together, will always have a little indent of your once other half. Their remnants, even if they have suddenly disappeared, still pulse in your newly glued heart.

Embrace it.

**This post was laying my drafts, “untitled” for the last decade (since November 2015 to be exact). A few little edits here and there and I have my first post to publish after lying dormant for a while. It couldn’t be more appropriate because 10 years later and I still share in the same sentiments – for all relationships (not only lovers but friends too). We are social creatures and we develop certain aspects of ourselves through interacting with others – I have met some incredible people and some not so incredible – through each interaction they have shaped a little corner of me, into me – and for that I will always be thankful //. Here’s to loving, learning and growing

—- and more posts! Because the last ten years have seen me trot extensively across this planet; getting myself caught up in all sorts of magical places and ready to tell tales of the unknown.

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